First off, I need to say a massive thanks to everyone who has read and supported this blog, I can’t say how much we all appreciate it. I’m sure it’s only going to get bigger and better from here.

So recently I’ve been ruminating over my childhood and school life, as most people do, cringing over embarrassing moments and smiling at the best of times in my early years. When I look back, I have to say I’m very grateful I had the opportunity to go to school. I’m lucky I had friends who came from all over the world, and who constantly challenged my ideas and perceptions. I’m lucky I had teachers who believed in me and encouraged me to achieve my dreams. I’m lucky I had a safe place to flourish, to be happy and to have fun, other than my own home.

If you are in school now, you are incredibly lucky. Depending on what you’re going through right now, you may not see it. In fact I never saw how truly awesome school was until now. Though I’m only (nearly) 20, I’m sure there is nothing else in life quite like it. It seriously is a once in a life time experience. And with that, here are five things I wish I knew in school.

Back to school. Photo by note thanun on Unsplash

Making Friends

School is where most people make their first friends. It’s also the place where most people have their first falling-out with someone. But the thing is, that’s all normal. It’s all part of life and being human. In fact it’s exactly the same stuff that happens in adult life.

I must admit, when I was a lot younger I was afraid of being the first to start conversations and make friends with others out of fear of embarrassment or being hurt. But we all know, you can’t go around life trying not to get hurt. While I like to think that I am who I am because of my own efforts and hard work, I have to give the credit to other people for shaping me into the person I am today, whether it was those that supported me or those that hurt me.

I guess what I’m saying is try not to be afraid to go out and make friends. I’m not saying that you can’t choose who you want to be friends with, but if you do want to be friends with someone, and are afraid of approaching them, just try it. One day, you might be super grateful that you did! I know I am.

Taking Opportunities

School is the place to try new things. If you think that you should leave some opportunities that you really want to take for some time later on in life, then you would be mistaken. School is the best place to try things because if they don’t turn out, it really does not matter. Better yet, you learn about your passions and interests, as well as your dislikes, which may guide you onto a career that suits you.

Trust me, you won’t regret taking those opportunities in school. Whether it’s going on DOE, running for student council, trying a new extra-curricular, or running for head student, if you really are interested, just go on and try it out. You’ll never know if you never try.

Working Hard

Working hard in school definitely pays off in the future. I can tell you for sure, that the earlier you start, the easier it is throughout. By working hard, I don’t necessarily mean focusing all of your energy and time into school work until you have none left. What I mean is that you should care about your work.

You should try your best in everything you do and believe the work you do is great work. Turn your curiosity into that drive to learn and discover. And while sometimes it feels hard to see what working hard in school will provide in the future, I guarantee you it’s worth it. If it doesn’t translate into a grade needed to get into a certain university or job, it translates into knowledge and experience which you may need in life later on.

Having Fun

School is so fun. Yes, I did have a lot of fun in school, but there were times where I took things way too seriously. I wished at those times I just took a step back to see if those things were really important or not. I guess it’s easy for me to say with hindsight – everyone is going to experience those kinds of things really.

I guess the take away is that there are lots of things that are going to disappoint you or bring you down. You should definitely learn from them but do not dwell on them. Try not to worry about things that just don’t matter. There are many other things in life that are more deserving of your worries. So just remember to enjoy school and have fun!

Once and Once Only

I guess everyone only realises after they graduate that they can’t go back and do it all over again. I seriously wish I could. I miss everything about going to school. Now I’m here, stressed out about becoming an adult (but that’s alright hehe). Easy to say, but there’s nothing more important than this: you shouldn’t take school for granted.

And that’s all from me. If you’re still in school I hope you’re enjoying it as much as I did. If I missed anything, feel free to drop a comment below! As always, stay happy and healthy.

– Verrel

Featured Image by CDC on Unsplash

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